Sunday, December 12, 2010

Interview with Arron Walsh of Grid Institute

I  read and interview on Terra Nova with Professor Aaron Walsh, a programmer and instructor at Woods College of Advancing Studies at Boston College He is working to develop a virtual reality educational platform that is standards based called Immersive Education.
Professor Walsh began his work in  VR development in the early '90s while running the Advanced Technology Center (ATC) at Boston College and spent the majority of his time developing international standards for 3D and virtual reality as chairman of related Web3D Consortium and Moving Picture Expert Group (MPEG).  He is now with the Media Grid and Immersive Education.
He talks about the positives and negatives of virtual reality learning as well as the growing addiction to virtual reality, which he terms”Immersive illness”.  The article speaks about Second Life as a possible future platform for Immersive Learning. And how the hardware limitation of this type of environment are becoming a thing of the past.
This is a link to the full transcript of the interview:

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