Sunday, November 28, 2010

Class 10 Assignment #2I

I downloaded Face Gen and Took a picture of my son's friend which I used to make my 3-d character.  The kids had fun playing with the application and changing the image race and age especially.

I changed various features on the Character, including the lightening the skin complexion adding 5 o'clock shadow.  I changed the eye color and cheek height and eyebrows as well.

Class 10 Assignment #1

I downloaded the BS Contact Plug-in to view 3-D Images in my browser and opened up the John_hi_vmrl97 files.

I Modified the Character by clearing up blemished adding a small beard and changing the eye color.  I attempted to give the eyes a realistic look.  I did the image adjustments using Adobe Photoshop.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Roll Call 1 Call #10 - John Hardiman

Took Face or Foto Test

Listened to Professor Walsh Describe Synthetic Humans #4

Listened to Professor Walsh Describe Synthetic Humans

Watched Video ON Motion Capture

REad Wiki On Motion Capture

Face Robot Video 4

Watched 3rd Face Robot Video

Watched Video About Using Face Robot 1

Watches Video about Face Robot

Look at pictures of how to create CG Face

Bookmarked CG Face Page

Robotics Video 3

Robotics Video 2

Robotics Video 1

Watched series of Robotics Videos

Read Uncanny Valley Article on Wiki

Read Article on Rise of the 'synthespians'

I Played World of Warrcraft and Leveled up from Level 1 to 5

My Character a Human Warrior in WOW

These are the Items and skills I have collected on WOW.

Here I have leveled up in WOW
In order to level up I have done various

I am now a Level 5 Warrior in World of Warcraft.  To level up I did various tasks which involved fighting different creatures and collecting various loot.

Unable to Access the Required Reading In Google Docs

I did not have permission to access the Google doc required for this reading assignment

Watched a video about 3 D modeling

Watched a Video About Polygon as the Basis of 3 D Building

The Polygon from The Guerrilla CG Project on Vimeo.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Read Wiki on World of WarCraft

Read Wiki on World of War Craft which talks about structure of the game and basics of how it works.  This is the number one Massively multiplayer on line Role playing Game in the world according to Guinness book.

Roll Call 2 Class #9 - John Hardiman